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About Us

Our Mission

To Promote Indian Artists!

We invite you to explore the side of you which is struggling to manifest and give shape to the words and emotions screaming within you. This is not a hobby or distraction rather a path to greatness.

If you are willing then we are here to assist you in every step to becoming a full fledged music artist – build your unique Identify in terms of music genre, compose original tracks, release albums,  make music videos, have your own personal streaming channel, tour and perform in front of live audiences,  collaborate with other entertainment communities etc.


There is method in madness , inherent patterns in randomness and soothing serenity embedded within the stormy mind. Yes we are talking about art and very specific to that dimension of human expression called Music.


As you plough through this life oscillating between the mundane and magical, you realize that there is a rhythm that is accompanying you all along. Sleep, dream and awake but that rhythm is there waiting to be embraced.


The possibilities are endless and this place gives that launchpad to refine your talent and elevate it to a totally different level of competency and capability.


Some Facts About Us

DogmaTone promotes artists across India. We do events, release music, publish books and produce films.


Years of Experience


Happy Artists


Events Organized



Folks Behind DogmaTone

Meet Our Team

The passion for music is what binds us, and we want to spread the same across the world!