Strategies for Authors to Market their Books

Home - Books & Authors - Strategies for Authors to Market their Books

One of the most important things to do to ensure that you succeed in growing your readership is to market yourself as a writer.

Take a look at the below listed strategies for marketing and promoting yourself as a book author:

Maintain an updated and eye-catching website

  • Add links to your retail and ecommerce store (Filpkart, Amazon, etc) on your website.
  • A sign-up page or link for subscribing to your newsletter should be included.
  • Make sure your website has images and visuals.

Engage in Social Media activity

  • Social media works well for you since it allows you to interact with your book’s readers.
  • Engage with other writers and readers by joining book clubs, writers’ groups, and readers’ groups on social media.
  • It is possible to create a blog on some social media platforms, like Goodreads. Making an author page on these websites is equally crucial, as it’s a highly powerful tool for personal branding.
  • Post humorous, visually appealing, and thought-provoking content on your social media platforms. You will eventually run out of interest if all you do is market your book.

Make a newsletter and send it out frequently via email

  • Since some of your current email addresses may expire each year, you need to actively add new ones.

Maintain an operational Amazon author page with the following features:

  • Your picture and bio
  • Links to the print and electronic versions of each of your books
  • Your blog’s link
  • A YouTube link to your videos

Make use of free and discounted promotions for your book’s Kindle editions

  • Promote short-term discounts
  • Put up varying costs

Join, enroll and offer to speak at book clubs

  • Partner with writers’ groups, local business associations, and any other associations you may have to improve your reputation locally. Offer to talk to groups outside of your area via Gmeet, Skype, Zoom, etc.

Increase the amount of reviews that your books receive

  • Getting both good and many reviews is a great method to boost your book sales.

By using these strategies, you will expand your readership and gain more recognition as an author as you mature as a writer.

If you need any support in promoting yourself as an artist – feel free to reach out to DogmaTone Entertainment.

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